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new arrivals
Right ladeez and gents, issue 22 is ready to mail.
We've got an epic interview with U.s. punks THE ATTACK, who're back on this side of the atlantic for gigs, a lengthy chat with mick allen of first wave punks the models and later rema rema, the great aerial salad and eryx london, new names in Newts Newton's Heed Case and margate's crabs, plus more.
vinyl features an exclusive live track from belfast punk legends The outcasts, and a personal favourite, aubrey eels and the baron on the reverse.
there's a few recent back issues still available... click the shop button at the top and send us some money.
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c/o People For Print
10 Riverside Park
Sheaf Gardens
Sheffield S2 4BB
We won't deluge you with junk or pass your details to any third party, but we will keep you updated and let you know when there's a new issue imminent
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